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签到天数: 4 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.2]胜妙罗施食村常住同修
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发表于 2007-2-10 15:36:00
< >在果浜居士依大正藏內所提出施食咒內之<BR>om.sambhara.sambhara.HUM<BR>在sambhara.sambhara之前又多出<BR>bhara.bhara<BR>為<BR>om.bhara.bhara.sambhara.sambhara.HUM<BR>內將bhara.bhara解為負擔、事業、辛苦,為何?</P>
< >全句om.bhara.bhara.sambhara.sambhara.HUM何觧?</P>
< ><a href=\"http://www.sitatapatra.com/shishi/index.html\" target=\"_blank\" ><FONT color=#000000>http://www.sitatapatra.com/shishi/index.html</FONT></A></P>
< ><FONT size=3><STRONG><STRONG>普明師兄回答</STRONG></P>
< >bhara.bhara 解為負擔、事業、辛苦,这是错误的,查梵和大词典</P>
< >bhara(形,男) 维持...(p.g948)[因为都是日文,没有汉语意思,所以不太清楚意思]</P>
< >bha-ra(男) 擔負、事業、辛苦,重担,重量......(p.g954)[a-表示\"a\"上有符号\"-\"]</P>
< >很显然果滨居士把两个单词的解释弄混淆了,再查梵英词典:</P>
< ><FONT size=3>1 <STRONG>bhara</STRONG></FONT> </P>
< >mf(%{A})n. ( %{bhR}) bearing , carrying , bringing ; bestowing , granting ; maintaining , supporting (mostly ifc. ; cf. %{Rtam-} , %{kulam-} , %{deham-} , %{vAjam-bh-} and c.) ; m. (ifc. f. %{A}) the act of bearing or carrying &c. ; carrying away or what is carried away , gain , prize , booty RV. AV. ; war , battle , contest ib. ; a burden , load , weight (also a partic. measure of weight = %{bhAra} q.v. L.) Hariv. Ka1v. &c. (acc. with %{kR} , to place one\'s weight , support one\'s self Hit.) ; a large quantity , great number , mass , bulk , multitude , abundance , excess Ka1v. Katha1s. &c. (%{bhareNa} and %{-rAt} ind. in full measure , with all one\'s might Ka1d.) ; raising the voice , shout or song of praise RV. ; n. du. (with %{indrasya} , or %{vasiSThasya}) N. of 2 Sa1mans A1rshBr.<BR></P>
<P>m. ( %{bhR}) a burden , load , weight RV. &c. &c. ; heavy work , labour , toil , trouble , task imposed on any one (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a large quantity , mass , bulk (often in comp. with words meaning `\" hair \"\') Hariv. Ka1v. &c. ; a partic. weight (= 20 Tula1s = 2000 Palas of gold) Hariv. Pan5cat. Sus3r. ; = %{bhAra-yaSTi} , Ka1rand2. ; a partic. manner of beating a drum Sam2gi1t. ; N. of Vishn2u L. ; of a prince VP.<BR></P>
<P>从中来看,<STRONG>bhara </STRONG>有<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>运送<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,</FONT>支持<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>授予<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,</FONT>授与<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,</FONT>维持<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,</FONT>保持<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,</FONT><FONT size=3>支持,维持,供养,等意思,</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3>而<FONT size=3><STRONG>bhAra</STRONG>[即bha-ra] 则侧重于:负担,重担,体积<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,</FONT>大小<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,</FONT>重量<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,等方面的意思.</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\" size=3>再梵和大辞典中没有sam bhara 这个单词,只有</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\" size=3>sam bha-ra(男)聚,资具,资粮,庄严,方便,功德,福智,装备,材料,必要<FONT size=3>物.</FONT>..[p.g.1435]</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\" size=3>在查<FONT size=3>梵英词典:</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">
<TABLE cellSpacing=3>
<TD vAlign=top align=right></TD>
<TD vAlign=top></TD>
<TD vAlign=top>
<P>1 <STRONG>sambhara </STRONG></P>
<P>mfn. one who brings together , a supporter , bestower RV. ; m. N. of a district and lake in Ra1jputa1na (the lake commonly called Sambhar , where the salt %{gaDa-lavaNa} is found , lies between the Jaipur and Jodhpur states) L. ; %{-ro7abhava} n. `\" produced in S馭ambhar \"\' , the above salt L.<BR><BR>2 <STRONG>sambhAra </STRONG></P>
<P>m. (ifc. f. %{A}) bringing together , collecting (= %{sam-bhRti}) S3Br. ; preparation , equipment , provision , necessaries , materials , requisite , collection of things required for any purpose (with Buddhists twofold , viz. 1. %{puNya-s-} , `\" meritorious acts \"\' , and 2. %{jJAna-s-} , `\" science \"\' ; others add 3. %{zamatha-s-} , `\" quietude \"\' , and 4. %{vidarzana-s-} , `\" farsightedness \"\' Dharmas. 117) AV. &c. &c. ; = %{-yajus} TBr. ; property , wealth MBh. ; fulness , completeness ib. ; multitude , number , quantity Ka1v. Pur. Sarvad. ; high degree , excess of (love , anger &c.) Ratna7v. Va1s. ; maintenance , support , nourishment W. ; %{-tva4} n. the state of (being) a requisite S3Br. ; %{-yaju4s} n. N. of partic. texts A1pS3r. ; %{-zIla} n. (with Buddhists) the virtue of possessing the requisites (see above) Dharmas. 106.</P></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top align=right></TD>
<TD vAlign=top></TD>
<TD vAlign=top>
<P>从中来看,<STRONG>sambhara </STRONG>有<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">一起带来,一起给予,一起维持,一起供养</FONT>等意思,</P>
<P>而<STRONG>bhAra</STRONG>[即bha-ra] 收集,聚集,集中,准备,预备,,装备,设备<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">,材料,资料,物资, 必需品,必要品等意思.这和</FONT><FONT face=宋体>梵和大辞典中的意思相同!</FONT></P></TD></TR></TABLE></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><FONT size=3>所以<STRONG>施食咒</STRONG>中,我们联系咒名,及此咒之功效,可以把bhara 略解释为施与食物,供养,给予食物等意思,sambhara略解释为 一起施与食物,正施与食物,一起给予食物,正给予食物,一起供养,正供养等意思,因为\"sam\"有,一起,正在等意思!</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><FONT size=3><FONT size=4>om bhara bhara. sambhara sambhara. huum</FONT> </FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><FONT size=3> <STRONG> 施食 供养 一起施食 一起供养</STRONG> </FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><FONT size=3>(汉文略解,非究竟义)</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><FONT size=3></FONT></FONT><BR>o. 1318瑜伽集要救阿難陀羅尼焰口軌儀經</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3> 唐三藏沙門不空奉 詔譯<BR></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3>即誦施食真言曰</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><STRONG>唵</STRONG><FONT size=2>(引) </FONT><STRONG>薩嚩怛他誐多</STRONG><FONT size=2>(一) </FONT><STRONG>嚩路枳帝鑁</STRONG><FONT size=2>(二) </FONT><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0033>婆囉 婆囉</FONT></STRONG><FONT size=2>(三)</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=4><STRONG>三婆囉三婆囉</STRONG><FONT size=2>(四) </FONT><STRONG>吽</STRONG><FONT size=2>(五)</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3>語諸佛子。今與汝等作印咒已。變此一食為無量食。大如須彌。量同法界終無能盡</FONT></P> |