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研究佛经的报告-A Report about Buddhism Scripture - 仏経に対して研究報告 (修正本)-(Edited Version)-修正した版 *Continued*
Afterward, he brought me a Buddhism Outline (Authored by XieMeng, Published by China Book Bureau) and said to me,"You don't understand Buddhism too much, so I suggest you firstly take a look about the outline of the Buddhism before you read the contents." Then he told me, "There is a claim before starting. You need to give up your prejudices on the Buddhism before the reading, that means don't read it from any angles of Religion, Philosophy and Science, just read it in a impersonality way." I thought such request should not be refused by a science worker, so I accepted it honestly. After the first reading was finished, I got the following impressions on the Buddhism.
1. The Buddhism isn't a religion which just focuses on the belief but without any theoretical principles.
2. The contents of the Buddhism are very rich and not less than any scientific subjects I've learned.
3. We shall not evaluate the myths in the Buddhism are true or not before they are proved, this can be talked later after we finish the Scripture reading.
A.仏教は理論がないと信仰を重視だけ宗教ではありません。 B.私が勉強した科学により、仏教の内容は多いです。 C.仏教から色々神話の可能性を証明される前に、正しいや違いことを結論に引き出すべきではない、経文を読む後でもう一度考えるだろう。
(四)佛经的文字和外表 - VI. The characters and appearance of Buddhism Scripture -仏経の文字と外観について
The Buddhism Outline didn't lead me to believe the Buddhism but it activated my fervor to read Buddhism Scripture. I asked my uncle, "Which scripture is the best?" He said, "I suggest you to read the Shurangama first due to your Knowledge Obstacle is too heavy. I asked him, "More knowledge is better, why you say it is Obstacle?" He said, "The knowledge you learned before has choked the door which the new knowledge need to get through to your brain, this will result you can't learn any other knowledges except the science, so we say this is a kind of Obstacle. If you can be divorced from the knowledge you've learned, then you also can break this Obstacle away. I thought that was right. How did Einstein develop out the Relativity Theory and corrected the Newton's Universal Gravitation if he didn't break the Newton's old opinions? The Shurangama Scripture my uncle brought to me was a commented version which authored by ZhenJian, an eminent monk in the Tsing Dynasty. Firstly, I found some specialties of Buddhism Scripture made me feel very surprise when I took an over view on the Buddhism Scripture before reading.
「仏学大綱」が私の仏教に対して信仰を引き込まないでした、ただ、仏経に趣味を促しました。私は叔父さんに聞きました、「どの仏経は一番良いですか?」。彼は答えました、「あなたの『先知障』はとても強いと思います、まず『楞厳經』を読むことより良いと思います。」私は続く尋ねました、「『先知障』は何ですか?」彼は言いました、「あなたの先に勉強した知識は頭の入り口を閉塞になっていました、そして、科学以外の知識を勉強できないと思います、これは『先知障』と言うことです。もし、あなたは仏を読む前に、以前の人々から意見を捨てきれば、この『先知障』も消えることができます。」私が彼は言うことよく認めました、もし、アインシュタイン様はニュートン様から古い知識を捨てなければ相対性原理を出ることができないと思います、ニュートン様の「万有引力」も修正できないでした。叔父さんが私に与えた「楞厳經」は明朝の真鑑(シン ケン)法師が注解した版でした。仏経の内容にかかわらず、私は表面的に仏経の文字を考察する後、下記の特別なことを発見しました、これらは本当に私を吃驚になりました。
(A) Six essentials to explain why a Scripture was created. – The Six essentials are WHAT, HOW, WHO, WHEN, WHERE and WHOM. For example, "The following contents are what I've looked and heard. Once upon a time, the Buddha went to the country Sravasti and preached the Buddhism at the lecture park where was co-built by QiTuo prince and a venerable elder called JiGuDu, and there were about 2500 monks and people attend the lectures……" Here the "The following contents" and the "preached the Buddhism" are the WHAT, "I've looked and heard" is the HOW, "Once upon a time" is the WHEN, "Sravasti" and "the lecture park which co-built by QiTuo prince and a venerable elder called JiGuDu" is the WHERE and the "2500 monks and people" is WHOM. Not only the Shurangama Scripture has such six essentials at the beginning of the Scripture contents, but also the other Scriptures all have, except the Scripture samples and rough translating version. In the other people's eyes this may not very important, but, to me, a person has written lots of scientific practice reports, it's really a miracle. Why? Because, if we want to write a scientific practice report, we must clearly write down the practice-master, partners, time, location, targets of the practice and what instruments are needed for this practice, then the following is the practice processing description contents. At least, if a report was wrote in this way, it will show to the readers that you didn't write these words at discretion and what you've written could be proved and reviewed. Except the scientific reports, the indictment and judgment from the court of justice also have such essentials. For example, an indictment will lists out the aggrieved person, time, eye-witness and plaintiff distinctly in a homicide case. The authors of Buddhism Scripture also wanted to gain the readers' favor and confidence on the scripture, so they putted such six essentials at the beginning in every Scripture. As a scientific worker, I always felt the China traditional SiShu, WuJing, LaoZhuang and ZhuZi books were all authored in a jumbled and confused manner and lack of the scientific spirits. I always arbitrarily said the China books were all not scientific because I hadn't seen any book's contents structured very well. But, I thought it's been the time for me to change my old opinions due to the six essentials in Buddhism Scriptures, and I should look at the Buddhism Scriptures with new eyes.
(B)Detailed comments and explanations --- The scientists always focus on the analysis. We can conclude through the analysis, then get the rules from the concluding, then develop and perform by the rules, then to process more difficult problems through the development and performing, then we can design and make and to realize them through many kinds of modern engineering. I just thought about to separate the Buddhism into sections and paragraphs before I read Buddhism Scriptures. But, ZhenJian has done such things for me and his great works was far superior to my expectation. His method was to separate the whole book into three parts, and then separated every part into four or five chapters, and then separated every chapter into several paragraphs, and then separated every paragraph into several items. Such four levels separation method may have been the most detailed and the scientific article may also just come to this. But, if I told you ZhenJian has separated the whole Scripture into 22 levels, don't you think it's a miracle? His method was very smart and skillful. He adopted the 22 characters from the Chinese Era as the marks. The first level was marked as JIA1 and JIA2 etc, and the second level was marked as YI1 and YI2 etc, so the 22nd level was marked as HAI1 and HAI2. Such marking method was never used before by the science. I introduced this method to a friend who was a telephone engineer. Once upon a time, he wrote a thick instruction book for an automatic telephone set, and the book had been separated into more than ten levels, but he still thought the marks were not enough and the level separating method was not good enough to show the details. So, I provided ZhenJian's method to him when he asked me for a solution. Because the book was wrote in English, so I told him to use the (A1), (A2),(A3) and (B1), (B2), (B3) and (C1),(C2),(C3) etc as the mark of level. He was just amazing on this idea and adopted it in this instruction book immediately.
(B)精密な注解と注解に対して説明がある--科学家はすべて分析することを重視すると思います。分析を通じで纏めることができます、纏めるの上でルールを作成できます、ルールを基づいて推想できるとだんだん簡単から複雑になっていました、そして、設計と制作もできることになると現代の色々エンジニアリングになっていました。私は仏経を読む前に、分析の方法を利用して経文を章と節に分かることを考えました、ただ、真鑑(シン ケン)法師がこんな分析ことも作成しました、さらに、私の予期より、彼の分析程度はとても深いと思いました。一般的に、一つの本を「上篇」「中篇」「下篇」で分冊になると毎の篇に四や五章になりました、毎の章に複数の節になって、毎の節に複数の目になりました、こんな四級で分解する方法はとても精密なと思います、科学もこんな方法を越えていませんと思います。ただ、真鑑(シン ケン)法師はこの経文を二十二級に分解しました、それはすごいじゃないでしょか?彼の方法は非常な微妙と思います、天干と地支の二十二つの文字を標記として分解することを行った、第一級は「甲一」と「甲二」で標記して、第二級は「乙一」と「乙二」で標記しました、第二十二級は「亥一」と「亥二」で標記しました。こんな方法は科学文章にいつまでも使用されていないと思いました。私はこの方法を一人の電話エンジニアに紹介しました。ある日、彼は一本の自動電話説明書を作成しました、章節は十級以上になっていました、しかし、標記がまだ不足と思いました、彼の方法によると説明書の階段を表示することがより良いではないと思いました。彼は私に解決方法を尋ねると私は真鑑法師の方法を彼に教えました。この説明書は英語ですので、そして、私は彼に「A1」「A2」「A3」と「B1」「B2」「B3」と「C1」「C2」「C3」で文章を標記することを教えました。彼は私の意見を採用して、とても嬉しいになりました、すぐこの意見に従ってました。