各界人民: |
佛悯众生,慈悲普度;圣教同音,人与人相亲,人与动物相怜;仁政者同心,世界和平。各界人民,共同携手,放弃族见,放弃仇恨,放下屠刀,创建世界和平日,众生同沐圣恩。 |
四月初八,释迦牟尼佛圣诞日,这一日多么吉祥,为众生带来福音!这一日多么如意!普天同庆!倡议在这吉祥如意的一日里,战争的地方,停止战争一日;屠宰之人,停杀一日;网捕之人,停捕一日;各界人民,素食一日。让这吉祥如意日,成为世界和平日。 |
爱好和平,人民美好的愿望。世界和平,人民才幸福安康。发动战争是灵魂的罪恶,停止战争一日,是给人自我一次省忏。爱护动物,是爱护人的朋友。热爱自然,是人留给自己性情的空间。杀捕是人性慈悲的泯灭,停杀一日,给朋友一次良识醒悟!停捕一日,给自然一次生息回归!喜欢素食,人的身心安然,素食一日,给自己一次功德满天! |
人,同缘一个星球,同有一个家园,同是一个生命,同样一个心愿。有责任选择高尚,有义务选择和平,有能力选择光明,有智慧选择博爱。 |
人与动物同处一片蓝天,同有喜生惧死的灵感。动物斑斓的声色,把大自然装典,用多种功能为人奉献。人有胸襟善待自己的朋友,让悲悯象阳光一样充满世间。 |
创建世界和平日活动,在您的寺观,在您的教堂,在您的宫殿,在您的心田。人人奉献一点爱,从我做起,从现在做起,众志成城。明天,世界和平日一定实现。 |
祈祷世界永远和平! |
倡议 人: 释净慧 释净智 |
欢迎广泛抄写,张贴 |
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英文版(English Version) |
To all on earth, |
Buddha holds a compassion for all living creatures equally and propagates with the holy word that we must love each other and protect all living creatures. This is the only way to build a peaceful and prosperous world for all of us. |
It’s not one man’s task to do but a task for us together to accomplish. We need to unite to establish this day as World Peace Day. |
We need to unite regardless of age, race, sex or personal vengeance to reach the goal of World Peace Day, with all weapons laid down and grateful hearts full of joy. |
April the 8th in Chinese Lunar calendar (May 24th, 2007; May 12th, 2008 and May 2nd, 2009 in solar calendar) is the birth date of Sakyamuni. It’s a day that brings hope and praise to the first Buddha and celebration to all creatures on the earth. Therefore World Peace Day should be a holy day of peace. On this day, the ultimate goal should be the lay-down of arms in all the war zones. It’s a day without killing. The butchers lay down their knives for a day; all people stop the killing for one day and become vegetarians to appreciate the sacrifice. May the birthday of Sakyamuni be the World Peace Day. |
Peace is a desire sought by all of us. Only in a world of harmony, can we all enjoy our life. With our brothers and sisters at war zones, none of us could sleep soundly at night. The more peace we bring, the more harmonious our mind can become. Animals and humans have but little difference (givers and takers) and all partake in the cycle of life and each part being an integrate part of each other. In killing senselessly, we lose our human nature of appreciating the life of a creature. To stop the killing for one day is an awakening on how much we rely on the lives of others. Putting down the knives and hunting nets for a single day is a return to one’s nature. |
We all have the same creator and originated from the same sauce. We share this living planet all value life the same. As humans we should have the intelligence to choose the noble choice, responsible enough to choose peace and capable enough to pick the right choice. |
On the earth both humans and animals alike fear death. Both animals and humans are in the state of struggling. Therefore, we, as humans should treat them as equal creatures instead of a food source. |
May the World Peace Day be established in your palace of worship and in your heart. Let’s strengthen the unity of life and celebrate our own value. Let tomorrow be the day, let every day be the day. |
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此“世界和平倡议书”,读来十分契合广大众生慈悲心。 |
故值今日这个“吉祥日”,在此转发,倡议和平日的到来! |